Message from Chairman
World Health Organization reports on health reports show that there is a global f health professional shortage. The greatest short fall occurs in South, East ASIA and INDIA. The number of doctors in India has increased from 61,800 in 1951 to about 6,95,720 in 2012-roughly 0.7 doctors for 1000 population, over all doctors nurses and midwives put together add up to 1.95 health workers for 1000 population. That is 1 doctor serves 1500 people 1 nurse serves 1300 people.
India would need at least 1 million qualified nurses and 15.5 lakh more doctors by 2030.
Dear Doctors and Nurses Do not be at cross roads.
“Concept doctors” is inviting you to render your services for the society it is better to “wear off in rendering service than to rust off” Enroll freely online ``Concept”
Idling is devils paradise. Your expertise and experience are of immense value to suffering millions
Concept doctors is brain child of eminent personalities, yous are never retired in the service of mankind, it’s never to early nor to late to help .